We know having kids changes us, but just how much of ourselves must we give up once we obtain small humans? Do we forsake all that we were because now we are mums? Is it okay to miss or even grieve your life before kids? How do kids affect our view of who we are as human beings, wives, professionals, or enthusiasts? The Mom Room's Renee Reina and I discuss the ins and outs of our identities as moms. From yoga we don't do any more to flexibility we never knew we had.
Here's your show notes for this week's episode.
First up, more apologies for the technical glitch during recording. Everything looked fine while we were going but once we wrapped up and I played it back, there were...um...issues. But the episode was entirely too needed to discard entirely. As it turns out Podcasting is not something I was born knowing. Huh, whodathunkit?
Our lovely guest host Renee Reina can be found on TikTok and Instagram. She blogs way more regularly than I do and you can check that out here! Renee is also the creator and host of a twice a week podcast, The Mom Room! I'll be a guest on an upcoming episode as well so be sure to go give her a listen and a follow!
We discuss a mood tracking app and while the one I was using and refer to seems to be gone, here are a few apps you might love to help track your moods and get an overall picture of how you're doing, even if it feels like you're living in a raging dumpster fire.
Moodflow - Moodflow is a year-in-pixels and moodtracking app that helps you recognize emotional patterns in your life.
Daylio - Keep a free private diary and capture your day without writing down a single line!
And as promised here are a few resources I've found discussing mom identity and keeping your life balanced with kids. Remember, taking care of yourself is taking care of your kids. Stay fierce, bitches.
From the New York Times - Motherhood is an Identity Crisis
From Washington Post - Motherhood Gave Me an Identity Crisis
From Mother,ly - 5 Ways to Embrace the New You
This was so fun because I've been following both of you since nearly the beginning of my TikTok existence. Listening to both of you together was great!